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Misión economía: Una guía para cambiar el capitalismo Paperback – 20 May 2021
The absolutely true story of La Befana
PENGUIN Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism
El valor de las cosas: Quién produce y quién gana en la economía global
La storia, assolutamente vera, della Befana (Italian Edition)
The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public Vs Private Sector Myths
Campus Verlag Wie kommt der Wert in die Welt?: Von Schöpfern und Abschöpfern
[(Strategy for Business : A Reader)] [Edited by Mariana Mazzucato] published on (February, 2002)
PublicAffairs The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy
Campus Verlag Das Kapital des Staates: Eine andere Geschichte von Innovation und Wachstum
Random House Books for Young Readers The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs Private Sector Myths
L'État entrepreneur: Pour en finir avec l'opposition public privé Paperback
Missione economia. Una guida per cambiare il capitalismo (I Robinson. Letture)
The Big Con: How the Consulting Industry Weakens our Businesses, Infantilizes our Governments and Warps our Economies Paperback – Big Book, 29 February 2024
Maria Mazzucato: Visions of Nature and Urbanity
Il grande imbroglio. Come le società di consulenza indeboliscono le imprese, infatilizzano i governi e distorcono l'economia (I Robinson. Letture)
The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy
Mariana Mazzucato Collection 3 Books Set (Mission Economy, The Value of Everything, The Entrepreneurial State)
The Tyranny of Merit: What's Become of the Common Good?
The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy
AJ and the Incredible Fish Paperback – September 10, 2024
The Entrepreneurial State & The Value of Everything By Mariana Mazzucato 2 Books Collection Set
The Entrepreneurial State, The Value Of Everything, Life Leverage, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind 4 Books Collection Set
[(Firm Size, Innovation and Market Structure : The Evolution of Industry Concentration and Stability)] [By (author) Mariana Mazzucato] published on (October, 2000)
The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World
Public Purpose: Industrial Policy's Comeback and Government's Role in Shared Prosperity
Die große Consulting-Show: Wie die Beratungsbranche unsere Unternehmen schwächt, den Staat unterwandert und die Wirtschaft vereinnahmt
Mission: Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Wirtschaft
La valeur des choses: Qui produit et qui profit
Il binocolo (Politecnica)
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & SALES - Operational Manual of Advanced Techniques for Acquiring Customers, Overcoming Objections, and Consistently Closing ... using AI for Sales (Artificial Intelligence)
Un flechazo con Italia: Cinco secretos que hacen del Belpaese la nación más amada del mundo
Erosione costiera e tutela dell'ambiente: profili normativi
De ondernemende staat: waarom de markt niet zonder overheid kan
Non sprechiamo questa crisi (I Robinson)
El gran engaño: Cómo la industria de la consultoría debilita las empresas, infantiliza a los gobiernos y pervierte la economía
Pinewood Foundation Maria Mazzucato: Visions of Nature and Urbanity
Lolita, Teheran e noi (Transizioni)
Io sono il mare (La cultura)
Politicos: a play in one act
Personal Investment: financial planning in an uncertain world
Strani i percorsi che sceglie il desiderio
De consultancy industrie: hoe consultants bedrijven verzwakken, overheden uithollen, economieën schaden
Memorie di un ardito 1916-1920
La sottomissione di Ludovica (Erosà)
El estado emprendedor: Debunking public vs. private sector myths Paperback – 3 November 2022
The absolutely true story of La Befana
The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths
Ars Sacra: a reflection on the Passion of Jesus Christ through the art of Carla Carli Mazzucato
ARS SACRA: a reflection on the Passion of Jesus Christ through the art of Carla Carli Mazzucato
Carla Carli MazzucatoArs Sacra: una reflexión sobre la pasión de Jesucristo a trav
Il corpo grande. Biografia non autorizzata di una modella oversize
L'uomo del morso e del sangue (Ipparchia)
AJ and the Incredible Fish