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Work Design: Occupational Ergonomics by Stephan Konz, Steve Johnson [Holcomb Hathaway, Publishers,2007] (Paperback) 7th edition [Paperback]
Literacy and Learning in the Content Areas
The Complete Financial History of Berkshire Hathaway: A Chronological Analysis of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger's Conglomerate Masterpiece
Managing Intercollegiate Athletics
Literacy Assessment & Intervention for Classroom Teachers
Financial Management in the Sport Industry
Literacy Assessment and Intervention for Classroom Teachers
Managing Intercollegiate Athletics
Managing Organizations for Sport and Physical Activity: A Systems Perspective
Literacy and Learning in the Content Areas
The Psychology of Exercise: Integrating Theory and Practice
Governance and Policy in Sport Organizations
A Wonderful Providence in Many Incidents at Sea: An Engagement With a Pirate, and a Mutiny at Sea, on Board Ship Ann, of Boston, Commanded by Captain Eliah Holcomb (Classic Reprint)
Financial Management in the Sport Industry
Teaching the Language Arts: Forward Thinking in Today's Classrooms
Motor Learning and Control for Practitioners
Investigative Reporting from Premise to Publication: From Premise to Publication
Literacy in Grades 4-8: Best Practices for a Comprehensive Program
Literacy Assessment and Intervention for Classroom Teachers
The Agricultural Marketing System
Introduction to Statistics in Human Performance: Using SPSS and R
Introduction to Exercise Science
Instructional Models in Physical Education
Work Design: Industrial Ergonomics
Motor Learning and Control for Practitioners
Skills, Drills & Strategies for Tennis
Comprehension First: Inquiry into Big Ideas Using Important Questions
Sport Law: A Managerial Approach: A Managerial Approach
The Psychology of Teaching Physical Education: From Theory to Practice
Learning is a Verb: The Psychology of Teachin
The Performer in Mass Media: Connecting with Television and Online Audiences
Sport Law: A Managerial Approach
Case Studies in Physical Education: Real World Preparation for Teaching
Case Studies in Adapted Physical Education: Empowering Critical Thinking
Video Production: Disciplines and Techniques
Keeping the Light in Your Eyes: A Guide to Helping Teachers Discover, Remember, Relive, and Rediscover the Joy of Teaching: A Guide to Helping Teache
Striking a Balance: A Comprehensive Approach to Early Literacy: A Comprehensive Approach to Early Literacy
Skills, Drills & Strategies for Volleyball
Human Motor Development: A Lifespan Approach